Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Web 2.0

This week, I read several articles about different librarians' perspectives on Web 2.0. In the article "Away from the Iceburgs" by Rick Anderson, he makes several points that I thought were very true and useful to remember in this ever changing library world.

1. The necessity of changing the collection to mostly online resources, 2. changing the way materials are offered and searched to make them easier to find and use, and 3. making it easier to access information from a variety of locations, not just in the brick and mortar buildings that we've all become accustomed to.

I agreed with Anderson about how the library has changed drastically from what it was just 10 years ago. Web 2.0 has made the library evolve into something newer and better and, in most cases, much easier to use without doing away with what we do best - getting information to our patrons.

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