Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I first heard about Webfeat (when you say it, doesn't it sound like you're saying webbed feet?) a couple of months ago at a Reference meeting. At the time, I thought it was such a cool thing because you could go on there and do a search of all of our databases at the same time. I still think this is a cool tool, but I have to admit that I don't use it very often.

I took the time to do a search in Webfeat for something interesting about my hometown of Jupiter (yup, I'm a Florida native). In a roundabout way, the name Jupiter comes from the Native Americans who lived here. When the Spanish arrived in the 1500's, there was a tribe of Indians called the Hobe, so that is what the Spanish called the settlement. When the British got here in the 1800's, they thought that Hobe was Spanish for Jove, the Greek God Zeus. They preferred the Latin version of the name, and called it Jupiter.

"HISTORY DIDN'T SWAY TEQUESTA DEVELOPER." Palm Beach Post, The (FL) July 26, 2006, FINAL, NEIGHBORHOOD POST: 10. NewsBank Access World News. [Palm Beach County Library System, West Palm Beach, FL]. June 4, 2008. .

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